In component
inside nuxeo-drive-core-2023.24.12.jar /OSGI-INF/nuxeodrive-listeners.xml
You can influence this order by adding "require" tags in the containing component declaration, to make sure it is resolved after another component (see "Resolution Order" on components).
This contribution is part of XML component Documentation
Notify the NuxeoDriveManager service to invalidate it's cache when a document is deleted (physically or just the trash).
Extension Point
Extension point listener of component EventServiceComponent.Registration Order
The registration order represents the order in which this contribution was registered on its target extention
This will impact the override/merge behaviour when it is implemented on the target service, and is useful for
proper customization of existing contributions.
You can influence this order by adding "require" tags in the containing component declaration, to make sure it is resolved after another component (see "Resolution Order" on components).
Contributed Items
XML Source
<extension point="listener" target="org.nuxeo.ecm.core.event.EventServiceComponent">
Notify the NuxeoDriveManager service to invalidate
it's cache when a document is deleted (physically or just the
@author Olivier Grisel
<listener async="false" class="" name="nuxeoDriveCacheInvalidationListener" postCommit="false" priority="300">
Handle document removal or root unregistration in
order to be able to
populate the audit log and hence compute
consistent change
summaries for each user.
@author Olivier Grisel
<listener async="false" class="" name="nuxeoDriveFileSystemDeletionListener" postCommit="false" priority="200">
Populate the audit log with virtual events generated by the nuxeoDriveFileSystemDeletionListener.
@author Antoine Taillefer
<listener async="true" class="" name="nuxeoDriveVirtualEventLoggerListener" postCommit="true"/>
Handle group change events fired by the UserManager.
@author Antoine Taillefer
<listener async="true" class="" name="nuxeoDriveGroupUpdateListener" postCommit="true">
Reset synchronization root registrations on a copied document and its children.
<listener async="false" class="" name="nuxeoDriveSyncRootCopyListener" postCommit="false">
Reset synchronization root registrations on a versioned document.
<listener async="false" class="" name="nuxeoDriveSyncRootVersioningListener" postCommit="false">